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Winter '24 Release Bonus Feature


Published on 10/01/2023

Fresh off of the heals of the latest Release, word on the trail is that there is a bonus feature making it's way to Salesforce Marketing Cloud Engagement very soon - and it's a good one!

Subscriber Keys

If you've done anything in SFMC Engagement, you are very much familiar with SubscriberKeys and the role they play within your Marketing Cloud Instance. Pretty much everything on the backend that relates to your subscribers is bound to this identifier. So much in-fact that there have been many different best practices that go along with choosing exactly what this value should be from the inception of your contract. You need to make sure that the decision you make here is one that will stand the test of time - or at least the duration of your SFMC contract.


Now, it's no surprise since SF introduced the concept of Customer360 that there have been many efforts to enable you to bring together a complete view of your customers data. This means providing you with the tools to ensure you can successfully identify, analyze, personify your customers across your database. We all know that doing so across platforms with different identifiers that this could be pretty tricky.

Flexibility in all things

One of the cornerstones of what makes SFMC Engagement so great is that you have the tools right within the platform to do so many powerful tasks. With this bonus feature, we're given one more awesome ability - the ability to change your customers Subscriber Key whenever you want!

Rumor has it that Salesforce is adding some much requested functionality to the Subscriber Update Server-Side JavaScript function that will allow you to alter the SubscriberKey of your Subscriber records after the record has been created, making subscriber key migrations easier than ever before.

Now, very little details have been officially released and there's been no talk on when it's officially rolling out, but we can speculate a little bit about how this might be setup.

<script runat="server">
Platform.Load("core", "1.1")

var originalSubscriberKey = "066a8346-171b-477d-9a70-65cdc4922594"
var updatedSubscriber = {
    "Attributes": {"SubscriberKey": ""}

var subObj = Subscriber.Init("originalSubscriberKey");
var status = subObj.Update(updatedSubscriber);

// Expected Status Output
// April Fools!

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